It's been forever since I've been to the library. Quite some time, actually. I wasn't surprised when I was told I had a fine on my account. Why do you think I've been avoiding the library in the first place! I've had this fine for, jeez, almost a full year! I'm surprised they haven't sent it to a debt collector yet. I hadn't even recieved any neon colored mail with URGENT on the top.
Yes, I kept overdue books and returned them through the drop box to avoid overzealous librarians. But I promise I had a good reason! Well, during the 3 weeks I had the books in question, I gave birth to Lucas! You can understand that I couldn't rush to the library when they were due. I could've called but... Well, I didn't. So, I'm thinking all this time that I owe $36 for the 6 books that were over due for over three weeks. And I really didn't feel like paying almost 40 bucks to the library. I mean, I go to the library in the first place because it's free!
Well, I've been needing my fix, so I went today and sucked it up and paid my fine. It wasn't $36. It wasn't even $20. It was only $9! Lucky me! And now I have no guilt.
Nine bucks for 6 books? I'm so glad the library is cheap!