Monday, June 25, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Will be Coming Soon!

On Friday Luke and Matt were eating apples.  Matt said "Ow, my teeth hurt!"

Uh-oh, I thought, he's finally going to lose a tooth!  As it turns out, BOTH bottom front teeth are loose and as I looked into his mouth I saw *gasp* that his big teeth are already growing in behind them!  I did, in fact, gasp out loud, and I scared him a little bit.  Must keep reactions to yourself, Nicole!  I calmed him down, but I was still worried.  Two phone calls later, one to my mom, and one to my mother-in-law, I was reassured that it was nothing to be too worried about, and I didn't need to rush him to the dentist right that minute.

You know, I didn't cry at his kindergarten graduation, I was way too excited.  After I wiggled those teeth though, I felt like crying immediately!  It was like a train just hit me.  Where did my baby Matt go?  I can't believe how quickly he's grown up, and since Luke was born, how much of it I was too distracted to truly appreciate.  I love this kid to death, and it's quite a blow to realize that he doesn't need me as much as he used to.  This is how baby fever starts!  LOL but, no, I really just want to be able to sit back and watch him become a big kid.  

So anyway, it looks like the tooth fairy will be coming to town very soon!  I would love if you'd share your tooth fairy adventures with me!  I'm thinking since this is the first time, and there's probably going to be two teeth involved $5 will be what she leaves.  What do you guys think?

And, because we were being super silly with my mother-in-law's new webcam, I'm posting some pictures...

AND, don't forget to enter for your chance to win that Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil!
