Monday, May 14, 2012

The Wow Factor- a Mothers' Day post

Mothers' Day is not about jewelry.  It's not about a day at the spa.  It's not about lunch at a fancy restaurant or even breakfast in bed.

I'm embarrassed when I see moms complaining about a lack of "wow" on Mothers' Day.  Usually they have small children, so what they're really complaining about are their husbands.  What do you mean you didn't get anything.  Look at your children!  How many quiet hours have you spent blissfully rocking your newborns?  How many raspberries have you blown onto their fat tummies?  How many games of peek-a-boo have you played with your enthusiastic toddlers?  How much joy have your children given you?


Last week was mostly wet.  Today it is raining again.  This weekend though?  This weekend was gorgeous!  Absolute perfect weather, and I had to work.  My mother-in-law came down on Saturday and Matthew spent the night with her, so on Mothers' Day morning I didn't get to see him.  Eric and I made coffee and cinnamon rolls before I had to leave for work.  He gave Lucas a card to give me, which was really cute.

Then it was off to work, where I got a surprise.  All of the mothers working yesterday were presented with a pink carnation and baby's breath to pin to their lanyards.  It was a thoughtful and unexpected gesture, but that's how they are, and it's one of the reasons why I love working for Kohl's, although I don't know if it's a nationwide standard or it's just the great people at my own store.

When I got home, Matt was there and he said Happy Mothers' Day to me.  I found out that earlier in the day when Nana dropped him off he had been practicing on his bike and he made the entire length of the sidewalk without anyone holding the seat.  Twice.  I was so proud!

After dinner I called my own mom.  She spent the day with her mom and one of her sisters.  They all went out to lunch.  I wish I could have been there.  I miss my mom terribly and I often think of moving back down to Florida just to be with her, but we hated living there.  Hopefully I will see her this summer.

So, that was my understated Mothers' Day.  There was no big "WOW!" to it, but there didn't need to be.  I got my hugs and kisses.  I had a nice conversation catching up for the week with my mom.  What more do I really need?  


  1. You are so right- the complaining is usually about the husband's appreciation, not the kids! :)

    When I felt myself getting grumbly yesterday, I reminded myself - it's the KIDS- look at them! They are the gifts you get today! And I did take some time to stop and just BE with them- we read a whole bunch of books... and it was wonderful. I need to do that more often!


  2. It's not easy to be a mother and a wife but our kids are the most precious gifts:)

    Visiting from

    Have a great day:)

  3. I'm fine with or without gifts receive for mother's day..I have my precious kids and they are my everything:)

    Visiting from

    Have a great day:)

  4. My mother's day was quite lovely. My husband had the kids make me a card and then we went to church and then drove to my parents house and just spent time with family. But the best part of all was I was able to be with and just enjoy my kids. Thanks for visiting!

  5. No wow factor here for my Mother's Day. I spent most of the day takinng care of a sick kiddo. But I loved taking care of him and spending more of that intimate time with just him while everyone else went to church. Good post. No wow factor needed for someone to remember someoen special in their life.

  6. I completely agree! I found you through the Make My Morning Blog hop. My Mother's day was simple, we took the kids Mini-golfing. I won of I think my hubby let me win ;)It's not about the things you get, the greatest gift is what you already have, family :)

    Have a great day!



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