Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Photo Op

There's something about the beginning of the school year.  Fresh pencils, new clothes, and miles of blank paper in notebooks all symbolize the start of something new.  A blank canvas. 

My canvas has been pretty full.  My canvas being the memory card of my camera.  I had pictures on there from 2009, before I got pregnant with Lucas (my now 18 month old).  With Matthew starting school I realized there was a very real chance I would get caught at some school funtion with a FULL memory card and miss out on some great photo ops.  So last night my husband helped me whittle down 714 pictures.  We ended up with 503 that we absolutely had to keep.  And we burned them to a disc.  And I formatted the memory card.

How refreshing!  Now all I have to do is develop some of those 500 pictures. 

What I think I'm going to do, and maybe what you should do, too, if you've got a ton of pictures taking up space on your memory card and an empty photo album, is go to Snapfish and take advantage of the promotion they're running right now.  Up to 500 4x6 prints for only a penny each!  Use code PENNY094U at check out until 9/10/11.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes and I thought I had a ton. Well actually I probably have at least that many. Since the dawn of the digital era I have become horrible at developing pictures.

    I do love snapfish though!


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